Saturday, August 9, 2008

It's good to be back into blogging!

Wow it has been a long time since I have updated. I am excited about starting the new Manning family blog. Baby Connor Jack will still have his blog for all of his exciting milestones and precious moments. But as for the family we are all doing good. Jay is working a lot as usual just trying to keep up with all of the demands of running the business. But he spends all of his free time with the family. Connor sure does get excited when daddy comes home. He started saying dada just a couple of days ago. Jay was kind of making a big deal that he said dada first and not mama. So I told him that it is just easier for him to pronounciate dad rather than mom and of course Jay didn't agree with me. So anyway I just googled it and I was right. Kind of funny! As for me I just spend most of my time at home with the kids. Although I have taken up a new interest in running and I am starting my 12 week training to run the half marathon in December. So far Neiko Shell and Cori are in if anybody else wants in let me know. 13.1 miles by the way! Pait is getting ready to start Junior High. Pretty crazy! He is just busy staying active as usual. A lot of Skateboarding, Fall baseball coming up and just hanging out with friends and family. Quinn was just here in vegas last week, we had a fun celebrating his 9th birthday at the Richfield demolition derby. The boys loved it! Ayden is busy challenging every boy at a running race. It's funny because I took the kids to the park a couple times last week and everytime we went he raced every kid there. He always won too! Oh and asking questions too, he wants to know the answer to everything. He's Just curious I guess. Kennedy is busy talking, all the time. A friend took her for a walk to the end of the street and came back and said "does she ever stop talking". She is sweet. And little Connor Jack just smiles all day long, he's a little charmer! Everything is good good, and everybody is healthy and that's all that matters. Well time to get the kids to bed. We love you all!

1 comment:

hogansfam said...

Hi Manning Family
So glad you shared this blog with us! The family is beautiful!! And I am so glad to hear Little Connor is doing well! Tyson is doing great too & also saying dada but only because its easier;) Rashad gave me a hard time too!!! We are going to try & come visit in October, I can't wait for the boys to see eachother again;) This whole summer I've been enjoying the family so much & say remember where we were this time last year! We are so lucky to have our boys! Keep in touch! & you are amazing for running a marathon please tell me your secret!!
Your Friends, Rashad, Stephanie, Danae, Bry & Tyson!!!!